An abundance of creative activity has taken place across the Trust as part of Our National Health Stories, with staff creating origami and paper art, story gathering, poetry and more.
Trust Poet Beth Calverley collaborated with over 50 staff members from the Trust to create a new poem called ‘All Kinds of Bright’ reflecting the experiences of staff, made up of the words and stories from the staff themselves. Artist, Tom Cross held conversations with staff at Horton General Hospital, Banbury to hear their stories and created quick sketches based on their words for them to take home with them.
John Radcliffe Hospital
Headley Way
22nd Nov, 12 noon, West Wing Atrium
Watch online now
Stitch artist, Harriet Riddell created a self-portrait of an NHS staff member live, using a sewing machine powered by the energy from the bike which the staff member pedalled. As she sewed, Harriet discussed the sitter’s experience of working in the NHS, weaving their unique NHS story into the portrait in one single sitting.
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Artist: Dr Lizzie Burns